Tai Chi Workshop @Chembur Festival, 2017
Every precious diamond is hidden inside the coal…
Every precious pearl is clothed inside the shell called shyness.
Put the coal and the shell on stage… before the camera, canvas, audience… beholders…
Put the coal and the shell where they really belong, and they unfurl, shine…
And, they become an Amitabh Bachchan… a Shah Rukh Khan… a Marlon Brando… an A.R. Rehman, a Michael Jackson and an entire galaxy of stars!
For years, I have been telling this – from every platform, and from the top of my voice. That, there is no point in worrying about our shyness… That, our shyness is something amazing about us… That, if we learn to channelize it well, we can emerge like diamonds emerging from coal and pearls emerging from shells… That, when we know who we are, we simply shine, simply present our authentic self! So, why worry about what we can’t do in life? We can’t do so many things… so many things. But, can’t we do one or two things brilliantly, with all our heart and soul… like painting, singing, composing, playing, writing, acting, teaching, cooking, serving, baking, training, peace-making, volunteering, organizing, healing, designing, selling, fixing, counseling, mentoring and, if not any of these, just being an authentic audience, a spectator… a beholder?
Everybody can be a great performer when he goes up on ‘his own stage’… ‘his on sphere’!
Today, after our Tai Chi programme, when I was telling Rakesh Menon, our Tai Chi teacher, as to how delightfully I beheld him transform on Tai Chi stage, he simply blushed. He wanted me to tell it to all. So, I huddled many of his well-wishers together and said, “Sir transformed on stage as Amitabh Bachchan did in front of the camera… I call it ‘The Dance of the Rainbow.”
Taichi/ Qigong workshop at Chembur Festival in the Diamond Garden. What an enthusiastic crowd!! Didn’t go into too many detailed version, just did the Basics where people, especially at Old Age can get the Benefit of this Magical Art… especially Knee joints, Back problem & to Strengthen their Muscles as well as the Tendons…
Cheers to the Audience & great thanks to my Team..
Mother Nature bless!